james bonnorAmerican (b. 1959)

James Bonner was born and raised in Arkansas. He received his BA in Art from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock under the tutelage of the late Al Allen. Upon earning his undergraduate degree, Bonner made a sojourn to Main and studied the work of Andrew and Jami Wyeth and taught himself the delicate technique of egg tempera and dry brush watercolor.

Says the artist of his work, “I enjoy painting and drawing the often-overlooked scenes that fade into the background of everyday life. Maine is beautiful and gritty all at the same time. It’s these opposing forces that oftentimes are explored through the hidden ambiguities of my work.

Bonner’s work can be found in corporate and private collections across the country. Collectors of note include: Bank of America, Acxiom Corporations and the Estate of the late Jackson T. Stephens.