American (b. 1956)
John Ellis was born in a small town in southeast Missouri in 1956. Coming from a long line of talented people, his greatest influence came from watching his great grandfather craft practical items with impeccable skill. Through self-study, vivid curiosity and by working with mentors his artist skill has branched out in a variety of directions. Ellis’ work is a blending of his own personal interest coupled with his skill as a craftsman. His interest in art stems from a variety of different styles and periods and is influenced by an interest in four specific areas. Ellis’ love for the simplicity of Shaker furniture and the lines and grids found in it’s design. He is also influenced by Japanese architecture and furniture design. These simple factors are coupled with a high degree of interest in abstract expressionism seasoned with a dash of minimalism. Collectors of John Ellis’ work include the city of Hot Springs, Arkansas and in the collection of The Historic Arkansas Museum in Little Rock. His work is in private collections in the Mid-South as well as in private collections around the country.