American (b. 1983)

Krannichfeld received her Bachelor of Arts from Colorado College and a Master’s in Education from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Her work has been exhibited across the United States, Europe, Australia and Asia in galleries, museums and art fairs to critical acclaim. She uses a unique application of mixing several media: Chinese ink, acrylic, watercolor and collage materials to create a rich narrative of the human experience and then encapsulates the work with a poured layer of resin which bonds the composition and gives it a glowing Modern and magical sensibility.

Krannichfeld has exhibited three times in the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts Delta Exhibition, a juried show by an outside guest curator considered by many to be the Oscars of the Southern Art genre. She has taken home the coveted Delta Award and the Grand Prize Award, a rarity in the exhibition’s 67-year history.

Her work is in several private collections across the globe. Public collectors of note include: the Arkansas Museum of Fine Arts., the Oz Collection, MOTTO, and the Bennett collection. Her work has been featured in such notable publications as: Studio Visit Magazine, ArtMaze Magazine and The Idle Class.