Sample Blog Article 2

Greg Thompson Fine Art Advisory Services provides guidance to collectors who are interested in purchasing or de-accessing important Modern and Contemporary Art from the primary and secondary market.

The goal of Greg Thompson Fine Art Advisory Services is to educate new collectors and help them develop a sense of connoisseurship and approach the art world with confidence, as well as helping established collectors strengthen their collections with sought after masterpieces.

Greg Thompson Fine Art offers unparalleled experience in the art market with over twenty-five years of experience working with galleries, artists, private, corporate & public collectors, museums and architect firms.

If you are looking to build an art collection that enhances the quality of your life and increases in value over time or looking to acquire a work by a specific artist you desire, let us put our expertise, knowledge and relationships to work for you.


Art Collection Development

Knowing your art collection is one of your most prized assets, we are here to help you develop and manage it. We offer a full range of collection development services including:

  • What to look for when purchasing original fine art and what to avoid.
  • Providing guidance and focus for your collection and helping you hone your aesthetic sensibilities.
  • Developing both short and long-term collecting goals which strengthen your collection and make it more valuable.
  • A comprehensive cataloguing of your collection and market analysis.
  • Make you aware of opportunities for acquiring important works of art in your field of interest and offering historical data and market analysis to help you make informed buying decisions.
  • Offer consultation and services on deaccession and buying and selling at auction.


Art Collection Management

  • Annual evaluation of your collection and market analysis alerting you to prime opportunities to acquire and de-access works of art which are in line with your short and long-term collecting goals.
  • Advise on museum loans, charitable contributions and tax deductions as they pertain to you and the art world.
  • Manage the logistics of your collection including: acquiring, shipping, conserving, framing, curating, installing, lighting, storing and insuring your art collection.


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